At a certain temperature, the Kp for the decomposition of H2S is 0.791.

H2S<--> H2 + S

Initially, only H2S is present at a pressure of 0.111 atm in a closed container. What is the total pressure in the container at equilibrium?

Please Help!

1 answer

We need the phases.
Is that H2S(g) ==> H2(g) + S(g) or S(s)
I assume H2S(g) ==> H2(g) + S(g)

Kp = 0.791 = p(H2)*p(S)/p(H2S)
Solve for x = p(H2) = p(S)
p(H2S) = 0.111-x
Then Ptotal = p(H2) + p(S) + p(H2S)