At 472 deg C the reaction reaches equilibrium with the following composition: [H2]=7.38atm, [N2]=2.46atm, [NH3]=0.166atm. Into the equilibrium mixture 1.5 atm of N2 is introduced:

a. Calculating Kp and Q, determine in which direction the reaction will proceed after addition of N2 and explain why?
b. Using an ICE chart, show the relationship between the initial conditions (after addition of N2), changes in partial pressures of each constituent. Do not solve for actual values but leave the ICE chart in terms of variables. (Hint: let y=partial pressure of N2 that reacts in the ICE chart.
c. Using the expression for Kp and the values in the ICE chart develop the equation which would allow to solve for the equilibrium concentrations.
d. Using the iterative technique, solve the equation and determine the equilibrium partial pressures of all constituents. Use +/- 5.0% of Kp as your criteria for “equality”