Your first sentence is wrong. You must have meant to write
"An object's weight on Mars can be found by multiplying 0.38 by the object's weight on Earth."
a) is correct
b) is wrong. It should be 164*0.38 = 62.32
You omitted a crucial decimal point.
ASTRONOMY- an object's weight on mars can be found by multiplying 0.38 by the object's weight on mars.
a) an object weighs p pounds,on earth. write an expression for its weight on mars. my answer is 0.38p, is it correct?
b)dana weights 120 pounds, and her bicycle weighs 44 pounds. how much would dana and her bicycle together weigh on mars? my answer is 6232. is it correct?
3 answers
I don't understand why we need algebra in our lives.. like x+y=xy WFT? O.o
The answer is indeed 62.32 you had the decimal in the wrong place