Assume you have a computer that contains 1 GB of memory. It contains 4 memory slots. Each slot can contain on of the following memory modules: 128 MB, 246 MB, 512 MB, 1GB or 2 GB. Two of the slots are currently used, each contain a 512 MB memory module. Using this scenario, you are to answer the following two questions.

1. What memory modules would you buy to increase the memory on the computer to 4 GB. You are short on funds, so you don’t want to toss out the existing memory. So you will be purchasing 2 more memory modules to fill the open slots. What will the size be of the 2 memory modules you will be purchasing.

2. If you tossed out the existing memory and were to purchase 4 new memory modules, what is the maximum memory possible on this computer?
Assume you have a computer that contains 1 GB of memory. It contains 4 memory slots. Each slot can contain on of the following memory modules: 128 MB, 246 MB, 512 MB, 1GB or 2 GB. Two of the slots are currently used, each contain a 512 MB memory module. Using this scenario, you are to answer the following two questions.

1. What memory modules would you buy to increase the memory on the computer to 4 GB. You are short on funds, so you don’t want to toss out the existing memory. So you will be purchasing 2 more memory modules to fill the open slots. What will the size be of the 2 memory modules you will be purchasing.

2. If you tossed out the existing memory and were to purchase 4 new memory modules, what is the maximum memory possible on this computer?

3 answers

????-Best guess
1. you have 1GB and want to have 4 GB
... 2 open slots means a 1 GB and a 2GB module

2. 4 slots with 2GB each means max memory of 8GB