Assume water boils at 100.0°C in Houston (near sea level), and at 90.0°C in Cripple Creek, Colorado (near 9,500 ft). If it takes 4.9 min to cook an egg in Cripple Creek and 4.6 min in Houston, what is Ea for this process? Enter your answer in scientific notation.

1 answer

Use the Arrhenius equation.
ln(k1/k2) = -Ea(1/T1 - 1/T2)/R
T1 = 100 C. time = 4.6 minutes. rate = 1 egg/4.6
T2 = 90 C, time = 4.9 minutes. rate = 1 egg/4.9
R = 8.314
Plug all of this into the Arrhenius equation and solve for Ea. Remember to convert T in celsius to T in kelvin. Post your work if you get stuck.