Assume that the following business rules are in place:

• One passenger can request the location of one and only one amenity at a time.
• It is possible for a passenger to have multiple flights departing from the same airport and, as such, can view multiple flight bookings.
• One passenger can experience multiple medical emergencies and, as such, can request medical assistance multiple times..Q.3.2 Select one functionality offered by the Airport Customer Relationship
Management System. Then, propose interfaces for the use of that functionality.
Any software can be used to create the interfaces. Include screenshots of the interfaces in your design.
Once you have designed the interfaces, discuss how you addressed the following concepts in your designs:
• Usability
• Visibility
• Affordance

1 answer

Functionality: Requesting Medical Assistance

Interface Design:
1. Home Screen:
The home screen includes options for various services, including requesting medical assistance. There is a prominent button for "Request Medical Assistance" for easy access.

2. Medical Assistance Request Form:
This interface includes fields for the passenger to input their name, flight details, nature of the medical emergency, and contact information. There is also an option to indicate the severity of the emergency. A "Submit" button is provided to send the request.

3. Confirmation Screen:
Once the request is submitted, a confirmation screen is displayed with a message confirming that the request has been received. It also provides an estimated time for the medical team to arrive.

Concepts addressed in the design:
1. Usability:
- The interfaces have a simple and intuitive layout, making it easy for passengers to navigate and request medical assistance.
- Clear and concise instructions are provided to guide passengers through the process.
- The use of familiar symbols and icons helps users understand the functionalities of each interface.

2. Visibility:
- The "Request Medical Assistance" button is prominently displayed on the home screen, making it easily visible to passengers in need of help.
- The fields in the Medical Assistance Request Form are well-organized and clearly labeled, ensuring that passengers can input their information accurately.

3. Affordance:
- Each interface includes visible buttons and fields that indicate their interactive nature, prompting users to take action.
- The "Submit" button on the Medical Assistance Request Form clearly signifies the action of sending the request, making it easy for passengers to proceed to the next step.