Assume that the following business rules are in place:

• One passenger can request the location of one and only one amenity at a time.
• It is possible for a passenger to have multiple flights departing from the same airport and, as such, can view multiple flight bookings.
• One passenger can experience multiple medical emergencies and, as such, can request medical assistance multiple times.
Q.3.1 Create an Entity Relationship Diagram that will represent the business rules
presented at the beginning of the question. Include at least three attributes for every entity. Also, indicate the primary keys for each entity.

1 answer

- PassengerID (Primary Key)
- Name
- Age

- FlightID (Primary Key)
- DepartureAirport
- ArrivalAirport

- AmenityID (Primary Key)
- Location
- Type

- EmergencyID (Primary Key)
- Description
- DateRequested

- RequestID (Primary Key)
- PassengerID (Foreign Key)
- AmenityID (Foreign Key)
- EmergencyID (Foreign Key)
- FlightID (Foreign Key)