Assume that the following business rules are in place:
One passenger can request the location of one and only one amenity at a time.
It is possible for a passenger to have multiple flights departing from the same airport and,
as such, can view multiple flight bookings.
One passenger can experience multiple medical emergencies and, as such, can request
medical assistance multiple times.
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Q.3.1 Create an Entity Relationship Diagram that will represent the business rules
presented at the beginning of the question. Include at least three attributes for
every entity. Also, indicate the primary keys for each entity.
Q.3.2 Select one functionality offered by the Airport Customer Relationship
Management System. Then, propose interfaces for the use of that functionality.
Any software can be used to create the interfaces. Include screenshots of the
interfaces in your design.
Once you have designed the interfaces, discuss how you addressed the following
concepts in your designs:
1 answer
1. Passenger
- Attributes: passenger_id (primary key), name, contact_number
2. Amenity
- Attributes: amenity_id (primary key), type, location
3. Flight Booking
- Attributes: booking_id (primary key), flight_number, departure_airport
4. Medical Emergency
- Attributes: emergency_id (primary key), type, location, request_time
1. Requests - Passenger can request the location of an amenity
2. has - Passenger can have multiple flight bookings
3. experiences - Passenger can experience multiple medical emergencies
Q.3.2 Functionality: Requesting medical assistance for a medical emergency
1. Home Page
- Includes options for passengers to request medical assistance for a medical emergency
2. Medical Emergency Request Form
- Form for passengers to fill in details of their medical emergency (type, location, contact information)
3. Confirmation Page
- Confirmation page displayed after medical emergency request is submitted
In addressing the concepts of usability, visibility, and affordance in the interfaces:
- Usability:
The interfaces are designed to be user-friendly with clear instructions and easy navigation to make it simple for passengers to request medical assistance. All necessary information fields are clearly labeled to ensure users can easily input the required information.
- Visibility:
The interfaces are designed with a clean layout and contrasting colors to ensure that important elements (such as the request button) stand out and are easily visible to users. Important information like emergency contact numbers are prominently displayed to ensure passengers can quickly access them in case of an emergency.
- Affordance:
The interfaces provide clear affordances for users to understand their actions. For example, the "Request Medical Assistance" button clearly indicates to the user that by clicking it, they will be submitting a request for medical help. The form fields are designed with affordances such as placeholder text and input validation to guide users on how to fill in the required information.