s = raw_input('supply a string')
s = s.lower()
s = list(s)
v = ['a','e','i','o','u']
c = 0
for a in s:
if a in v:
print "the answer is ", c
Assume S is a string of lower case characters. Write a program that counts up the number of vowels contained in the string S. Valid vowels are 'a', 'e', 'I', 'o', and 'u'. For example, if S='azcbobobegghakl' your program should print: Number of Vowels:5
3 answers
Gbadebo, I'm sure u'r a FUTA 200L student, a friend also gave me ds question, plus d other two u posted. I already solved bur she stopped me frm posting dm online. You can contact me @ 08020803585
s = raw_input('supply a string')
s = s.lower()
s = list(s)
v = ['a','e','i','o','u']
c = 0
for a in s:
if a in v:
s = s.lower()
s = list(s)
v = ['a','e','i','o','u']
c = 0
for a in s:
if a in v: