(Assignment Targets are specific focuses for this assignment. These categories are worth a greater number of points.)

Distinguished (5)
Proficient (4)
Developing (3)
Beginning (2)
Missing (0)

5 points possible
The narrative has a clear focus with details that support a creative,
interesting, & logical
flow of events.

The narrative has a focused topic with details that support a generally logical flow of

The narrative occasionally lacks focus or has missing parts that interfere with understanding; the writing is unfocused or rambling.

The narrative is missing many Important details so the story is very difficult to follow and has no logical flow.

The narrative is impossible to follow or was not attempted.

5 points possible

The narrative has a
well-organized structure. It has a clear beginning and middle, and it comes to a logical, thoughtful conclusion.

The narrative has a
generally well- organized structure. It has a clear beginning and middle, and it comes to a logical conclusion.

The narrative mostly
follows an organizational pattern, but the order of events is occasionally confusing. It has a very brief conclusion.
The narrative somewhat
follows an organizational pattern, but the order of events is very confusing. It has no clear conclusion.

The narrative is
disorganized and does not follow a clear
organizational pattern. It has no clear
Assignment Target:
Descriptive Details/ Sensory Language

10 points possible

The narrative uses vivid sensory language & many specific details to create the setting & characters. Dialogue is appropriate for the characters & advances the plot.
The narrative uses sensory language & several details to create
the setting & characters. Dialogue is
appropriate for the characters & usually
advances the plot.
The narrative uses some sensory language & details to create the setting & characters. Dialogue is
sometimes appropriate for the characters, but it does not always advance the plot.

The narrative uses little sensory language & few
details to create
the setting & characters.
Dialogue is seldom appropriate for the characters & does not
advance the plot.

The narrative uses little to no sensory language & details to create the setting & characters. Dialogue was not used.

Assignment Target:
Style, Voice, & Dialogue

10 points possible

The narrative consistently uses a clear point of view. There is an appropriate
amount of dialogue to
bring the characters to
life & it is always clear which character is

The narrative generally uses a clear point
of view. There is some dialogue in the story & it is always clear which character is speaking.
The narrative sometimes uses a clear point of view. There is some dialogue in the story, but it is not always clear which
character is speaking.
The narrative rarely uses a clear point of view. There is little to no dialogue in the story & it is not clear which
character is speaking.

The narrative does not have a clear point of
view. There is no
dialogue in the story.

10 points possible

capitalization, word usage, and spelling
are correct & there are no errors that interfere with meaning. Dialogue is always punctuated correctly.
There are only
a few errors in
punctuation, capitalization
word usage, &
spelling that interfere with meaning. Dialogue is mostly punctuated correctly.

There are
several errors
in punctuation, capitalization, word
usage, &
spelling that interfere with meaning. Dialogue is sometimes punctuated correctly.

There are
many errors in punctuation, capitalization, word usage, & spelling
that interfere with meaning. Dialogue is rarely punctuated correctly.

There are so many errors in punctuation, capitalization, word usage, & spelling that the meaning of the story is unclear. No attempt was made to punctuate dialogue.

5 points possible
MLA formatting is always used correctly.
MLA formatting is mostly used correctly.
MLA formatting is sometimes used correctly.
MLA formatting is rarely used correctly.

MLA formatting was not attempted.
AI Detector Report

5 points possible
Report from an AI Detector was submitted with the story.

Report from an AI Detector was NOT submitted with the story.

1 answer

It looks like you have a comprehensive rubric for evaluating a narrative assignment! Here's a brief overview of how you can use it effectively:

  1. Purpose (1 point):

    • Ensure the narrative has a clear main idea or theme. Look for details that support this focus and contribute to a logical flow. If the story feels disorganized or unfocused, it may fall into the lower categories.
  2. Organization (1 point):

    • Assess how well the story is structured. A well-organized narrative will have a clear beginning, middle, and end, while a disorganized one will leave readers confused.
  3. Ideas and Descriptive Details/Sensory Language (2 points):

    • Evaluate the use of sensory language and details that paint a vivid picture of the characters and setting. Engagement through dialogue is also important; it should feel natural and enhance the plot.
  4. Style, Voice, & Dialogue (2 points):

    • Check for a consistent point of view and effective dialogue. A strong narrative voice can bring characters to life, while poor dialogue may detract from the reader's understanding.
  5. Conventions (2 points):

    • Examine the narrative for grammatical accuracy, spelling, punctuation, and proper dialogue formatting. Any mistakes that interfere with meaning will affect the overall quality.
  6. Formatting (1 point):

    • Confirm adherence to MLA formatting standards. This includes proper font size, margins, and header information.
  7. AI Detector Report (1 point):

    • If required, ensure that an AI detector report is submitted alongside the narrative to verify originality.


Total points: 40

  • Distinguished: 36-40 points
  • Proficient: 28-35 points
  • Developing: 20-27 points
  • Beginning: 12-19 points
  • Missing: 0-11 points


Be specific in your feedback. Highlight strengths, areas for improvement, and provide suggestions for enhancing the narrative. Your comments can guide the writer in refining their skills.

Would you like assistance with drafting specific feedback or examples for any of the categories?