Assignment Summary
For this assignment, you will develop a public service announcement (PSA) advocating for the benefits of living a drug-, alcohol-, and tobacco-free lifestyle. Your target audience will be teens and preteens in your own community. A public service announcement may be presented using audio, video, or multimedia presentation.
Background Information
A public service announcement is a message, usually short, that is delivered to a large group of people either targeted to a specific crowd or broad spectrum to a general audience. Radio stations, television stations, and newspapers all receive and send PSAs. Some are live and some are prerecorded. Today, they can be produced by means of DVD, CD, video, audio, internet, and even sky writing.
- Internet
- Computer
Assignment Instructions
Step 1: Gather materials and necessary information.
a) Educate yourself about substance-abuse and healthy alternatives.
b) Ask your teacher whether you will be using presentation, drawing, world-processing, or an artistic software to develop the public service announcement.
c) Access a computer with reliable internet service.
Step 2: Consider the required elements of the public service announcement.
a) Your public service announcement should include a clear and concise message about the issue to the audience.
b) Your public announcement should include a slogan that accurately reflects the message.
c) The images, slogan, and messages of your public service announcement should provide current and accurate information about the issue.
d) Your public service announcement should use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar to convey its message to the audience.
Step 3: Think about these steps for creating a successful public service announcement.
a) Plan - Sketch out your public service announcement on a piece of paper.
b) Draft - Create a rough draft of your public service announcement.
c) Revise - Review your work, correct mistakes, and make improvements.