Assignment ONE Research Report: Brainstorming
Three Ideas:
- Dinosaurs
- Space
- Dolphins
Narrowed Topics:
- Dinosaurs: What caused their extinction?
- Space: What are black holes?
- Dolphins: How do dolphins communicate?
Topic One: Dinosaurs
- Important Ideas: They lived millions of years ago; there were many types; they are all extinct now.
- Subtopics: Types of dinosaurs, their habitats, why they went extinct.
- Questions: What were the reasons for their extinction? Did they face any predators? How did they evolve over time?
Topic Two: Space
- Important Ideas: Space is vast; black holes have strong gravity; they can pull in everything.
- Subtopics: How black holes form, where they are located, their effects on nearby stars.
- Questions: What happens if you get too close to a black hole? Can anything escape a black hole? How do scientists study black holes?
Topic Three: Dolphins
- Important Ideas: They are very smart; they live in groups called pods; they can use sound to communicate.
- Subtopics: Social behavior, types of communication, their habitats.
- Questions: How do dolphins use sound to talk to each other? What do they do for fun? How smart are dolphins compared to humans?
Most Interesting Topic:
- Dolphins: How do dolphins communicate?
Research Questions:
- How do dolphins use sound to communicate with each other?
- What types of sounds do dolphins make, and what do they mean?
- How does dolphin communication differ from communication in other animals?
- Why is communication important for dolphins in the wild?
Chosen Research Question:
- How do dolphins use sound to communicate with each other?
Assignment TWO Research Report: Find & Summarize Your Sources!
Source ONE Link: National Geographic on Dolphins
Source ONE Summary: This article talks about how dolphins are mammals that live in the ocean. They use a variety of sounds to communicate, including clicks, whistles, and body language. Dolphins are known for their intelligence and can even learn tricks. The article also explains how dolphins live in social groups called pods, which helps them communicate better and stay safe from predators.
Source ONE Works Cited Entry: "Dolphins." National Geographic,
Source TWO Link: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Dolphin Communication
Source TWO Summary: This source explains how dolphins use echolocation to find food and communicate. Dolphins can produce high-pitched sounds that bounce off objects, helping them "see" their environment. The article also describes different types of dolphin calls and how these sounds can indicate emotions or alerts to danger. It emphasizes the importance of sound in a dolphin's life.
Source TWO Works Cited Entry: "Dolphin Communication." National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
Source THREE Link: Smithsonian Magazine on Dolphin Intelligence
Source THREE Summary: This article discusses research on dolphin intelligence, focusing on their ability to understand complex sounds and signals. It also mentions studies comparing dolphin communication skills with those of other animals, highlighting how dolphins can even mimic human sounds. The paper illustrates how these communication skills are vital for their social interactions.
Source THREE Works Cited Entry: "Research on Dolphin Intelligence." Smithsonian Magazine,
Assignment THREE Research Report: Rough Draft
Dolphins are amazing creatures! They are known for their intelligence and how they talk to each other using sounds. My research question is: How do dolphins use sound to communicate with each other? This report will explore the different ways dolphins make sounds and what those sounds mean.
Body Paragraphs
Dolphins use a variety of sounds to communicate, including clicks and whistles. According to National Geographic, these sounds help dolphins stay in touch with their pods and coordinate hunting. For example, clicks are often used for echolocation, which helps them find food (National Geographic). This shows that communication is not just about talking; it also helps them survive!
Furthermore, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration explains that dolphins use echolocation to navigate and identify objects in the water. The sounds they make bounce back to them, helping them "see" without needing their eyes (NOAA). This incredible ability makes dolphin communication unique among animals.
Lastly, a study published in Smithsonian Magazine shows that dolphins can even mimic human sounds. This reflects their advanced intelligence and adaptability in communication (Smithsonian Magazine). Understanding these skills demonstrates how crucial sound is for dolphins, as it helps them be social and learn from each other.
To answer the question, How do dolphins use sound to communicate with each other?, it is clear that sound plays a vital role in their lives. Dolphins use a variety of sounds for different purposes, from locating food to socializing within their pods. We should protect dolphins and their environments to allow them to communicate and thrive!
Cite Sources
- "Dolphins." National Geographic,
- "Dolphin Communication." National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
- "Research on Dolphin Intelligence." Smithsonian Magazine,
Assignment FOUR Research Report: Revise & Final Draft
(Final draft will be same as the rough draft with any necessary revisions made based on feedback. Please refer to the previous draft for content.)