Assignment description:

Choose one of the critical theories we discussed in class; i.e., Marxism, Feminism,
Postcolonialism/Critical Race Theory, or LGBTI Studies/Queer Theory. In a well-structured
essay of 1 500 to 1 800 words, analyse an image of your choice according to your chosen
critical theory. The image can either be an artwork (painting, sculpture, photograph, etc.), or
a moving image (movie, TV show, music video, etc.) or a non-moving mass-produced image
(album cover, magazine advertisement, billboard, etc.). You should look at the social and
historic elements (i.e. what was happening in society and how do you see this in the image)
as well as at the formal elements (i.e. how does what the image looks like show us what was
going on in society). You could research and discuss the work with your classmates, but each
student must hand in an individual essay

3 sources

1 answer

It is important to note that the completion of a well-structured essay requires thorough research and analysis. However, I can provide you with a general outline to help you get started.

- Introduce the chosen critical theory and explain its significance
- Briefly describe the image being analyzed

1. Social and historic elements:
- Research and provide background information on the social and historical context in which the image was created
- Analyze how the image reflects or reacts to the events or issues of that time period
- Use evidence from the image and external sources to support your analysis

2. Formal elements:
- Analyze the formal elements of the image, such as composition, color, and visual technique
- Interpret how these formal elements contribute to the overall meaning or message of the image
- Discuss how these formal elements might reflect or challenge societal norms or expectations

3. Integration of theory:
- Apply your chosen critical theory to the image, examining its concepts, assumptions, and methodology
- Analyze how the image aligns with or challenges the ideas of the chosen critical theory
- Use quotes or examples from the critical theory to support your analysis

- Summarize the main points of your analysis
- Reflect on the significance of your findings in relation to the social and historical context and the chosen critical theory
- Optional: Suggest further avenues for research or discussion

- Ensure that you use at least three sources that are relevant to your analysis and support your argument
- These sources can include scholarly articles, books, or reputable websites
- Cite your sources using the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA)