in school than girls. Peer pressure is a common phenomenon experienced by students, but its impact and intensity may vary depending on an individual's gender. While girls may face certain societal expectations and pressures, boys are not exempt from the pressures they experience in school. Factors such as the influence of their male peers, societal expectations, and the need to uphold a certain image often make boys vulnerable to greater amounts of peer pressure.
One of the main reasons why boys face more peer pressure is due to the influence of their male peers. In school, boys tend to form tight-knit groups where their actions and behaviors heavily impact each other. It is a common belief that boys need to assert their masculinity, be tough, and engage in risky behaviors to gain acceptance from their peers. This desire for acceptance can lead boys to engage in behavior they may not necessarily agree with or feel comfortable doing. This pressure to conform to male stereotypes can be particularly detrimental to their mental and emotional wellbeing.
Additionally, societal expectations also contribute to the higher levels of peer pressure faced by boys. Societal norms dictate that boys should perform well academically, excel in sports, and exhibit dominance and control. These expectations of masculinity can be overwhelming for boys, as they feel the need to live up to these standards set out for them. Boys may experience peer pressure to engage in activities that align with these expectations, such as participating in sports even if they are not interested, or pushing themselves academically beyond their capabilities. The fear of not meeting these expectations can lead to a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety.
Furthermore, boys often face the pressure of maintaining a certain image or reputation among their peers. Boys can be ridiculed or bullied if they do not act and behave in a certain way. The fear of being labeled as weak or different can push boys to engage in activities they may not necessarily want to be a part of. This need to fit in and be seen as one of the guys can cause boys to succumb to peer pressure and engage in behaviors that go against their own values and beliefs.
Critics may argue that girls face more peer pressure due to societal expectations of beauty and popularity. While it is true that girls do face certain pressures related to appearance and social status, these pressures are not exclusive to them. Boys also face societal expectations in terms of physical appearance, athleticism, and popularity. In fact, boys are also impacted by societal pressures related to academic performance and career choices. The pressure to succeed and conform to societal norms affect both genders, making it a common aspect of peer pressure experienced by students.
In conclusion, despite the belief that girls face more peer pressure in school, boys are equally vulnerable, if not more, to the negative influence of their peers. The influence of male peer groups, societal expectations, and the need to maintain a certain image contribute to the higher levels of peer pressure faced by boys. It is essential to raise awareness about this issue and provide support systems for boys so that they can navigate the challenges of peer pressure in a healthy and positive manner.
Assignment: Argumentative Writing Prompt: “Who faces more peer pressure in school, girls or boys?”
My arguement: Boys face more pure pressure
1 answer