Assignment 4R: Career Development


Save this file in your course folder, and name it with Assignment, the assignment letter, the section number, and your first initial and last name. For example, Jessie Robinson's assignment 1R for Section 1 would be named Assignment1RJRobinson.

Type the answers to the assignment questions below. Use complete sentences unless the question says otherwise. You will have more than one day to complete an assignment. At the end of each day, be sure to save your progress.

Review Lesson 4 of the Course Overview for instructions about turning in your assignments.

Assignment Questions

In Section 4, you learned about career development. Now, you'll apply what you learned.

1. Describe an example of a task that it might make sense for a company to outsource. (1-2 sentences. 2.0 points)

2. Describe three things that you think are important for a company to include in its personnel policies. (1-3 sentences. 1.5 points)

3. Describe at least three pieces of information you would include when writing a job description. (1-3 sentences. 1.5 points)

4. Describe two methods you would use to find potential employees if you were in charge of advertising a job for a company. Explain why you would use these methods for advertising the job. (1-2 sentences. 3.0 points)

5. Describe at least two methods you would use to identify job opportunities if you were looking for a job. Explain why you would use these methods for job seeking. (1-2 sentences. 3.0 points)

6. Write your answers to at least three of the Lesson 2 questions on the What You Want from Your Life page. (1-3 sentences. 3.0 points)
TIP: Separately, you can write out a vision statement for yourself. Since it's personal, you don't have to turn in your vision statement, but you should turn in your answers to at least three of the questions about what you want from your life.

7. Describe a career you would like to have, and explain how you could get started and then advance in that career. (1-3 sentences. 3.0 points)

8. Which part of the online job application was easiest for you to complete? Which section was the most difficult? Give at least one example of work experience, education, or special skills that you included in the application. (2-5 sentences. 3.0 points) CAUTION: To protect your privacy, make sure you don't list the names of specific places where you've worked or gone to school.

1 answer


  1. An example of a task that a company might outsource is its payroll processing. By outsourcing this function to a specialized firm, the company can save time and resources while ensuring compliance with tax regulations.

  2. Three important elements for a company to include in its personnel policies are guidelines on workplace behavior, procedures for addressing grievances, and clear definitions of employee rights and responsibilities. These elements help maintain an orderly work environment and protect both the employer and employees.

  3. When writing a job description, I would include the job title, key responsibilities, and required qualifications or skills. This information helps potential applicants understand the position and whether they are a good fit.

  4. If I were in charge of advertising a job, I would use online job boards and social media platforms. These methods would allow me to reach a wide and diverse audience quickly, increasing the chances of finding suitable candidates.

  5. To identify job opportunities, I would utilize networking events and professional platforms like LinkedIn. Networking allows for personal connections that can lead to unadvertised positions, while LinkedIn provides access to a plethora of job listings tailored to my skills and interests.

  6. From the "What You Want from Your Life" page, I want to feel fulfilled and balanced in my career, have the ability to travel occasionally for work, and contribute positively to society through my job. Achieving these goals can help ensure that my personal and professional life are aligned.

  7. A career I would like to have is in environmental science, focusing on sustainability. To get started, I would pursue a degree in environmental studies or a related field, seek internships to gain practical experience, and aim for entry-level positions to build my skills. Advancing in this career would involve continued education and possibly obtaining certifications related to environmental management.

  8. The easiest part of the online job application for me was filling out my educational background, as I had clear records of my schooling. The most difficult section was detailing my work experience, as I struggled to succinctly summarize my responsibilities and achievements in prior roles. I included an example where I assisted in organizing events for a community organization, highlighting my project management and teamwork skills.