It looks like you're outlining key practices in science and engineering. Below is a structured way to present these practices along with placeholders for names—assuming you want to fill in specific names or examples based on your context.
Science and Engineering Practices
Asking Questions (for Science) and Defining Problems (for Engineering)
- Name: ____________________
Developing and Using Models
- Name: ____________________
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
- Name: ____________________
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
- Name: ____________________
Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
- Name: ____________________
Constructing Explanations (for Science) and Designing Solutions (for Engineering)
- Name: ____________________
Engaging in Argument from Evidence
- Name: ____________________
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
- Name: ____________________
Feel free to fill in the names or any additional information you wish to include. If you're looking for specific examples or more information about each practice, let me know!