Ask people hiv /aids means to them

1 answer

1. What does HIV/AIDS mean to you?
2. How has HIV/AIDS affected your life or the lives of people you know?
3. What thoughts or emotions come to mind when you think about HIV/AIDS?
4. How would you describe the impact of HIV/AIDS on society as a whole?
5. What efforts or initiatives do you believe are important in combating HIV/AIDS?
6. Do you think there is still stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS? If so, how does it affect those living with the condition?
7. How has your understanding of HIV/AIDS evolved over the years?
8. What measures or steps can be taken to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS in communities?
9. In your opinion, what are some of the biggest challenges in preventing and treating HIV/AIDS?
10. What role do you think education plays in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS?