The two questions I chose from the list are:
- Do some events that happened during the day appear in your dreams?
- Does your mood affect what you dream about? If you are happy, do you dream about different things than if you were sad?
In both dreams, I felt a strong sense of realism that seemed tied to my emotional state before falling asleep. For the first dream, the feeling of falling was accompanied by a rush of adrenaline and uncertainty, which might reflect some anxieties I experienced during the day. The second dream, where I was unprepared for a test, generated feelings of stress and inadequacy, suggesting that my worries about school or performance lingered in my subconscious. This connection between daily stressors and dream content makes me realize how much my current mood and experiences might influence my dreams. On the whole, it seems that the occurrences and emotions from my waking life filter into my dream world, shaping what I experience while I sleep.