As I requested before, can someone reword this so I can understand. I have this culminating project relating articles but I don't understand parts of it.

Already two provinces -- Ontario and Quebec -- have stepped up and committed to protecting at least half of their northern boreal regions. Indigenous governments across Canada have been instrumental in setting aside lands through land-use plans and conversation initiatives, particularly in the Northwest Territories through a comprehensive protected areas plan and in Manitoba with the proposed Pimachiowin Aki World Heritage Site.

Sorry if it's alot, I just need to understand this section.

5 answers

This isn't as bad as the last one. Let's break this down several words at a time.

Already two provinces -- Ontario and Quebec -- have stepped up and committed to protecting at least half of their northern boreal regions.
If you don't know what "boreal" means, look it up.

Indigenous governments across Canada have been instrumental in setting aside lands through land-use plans and conversation initiatives, . . .
That should be conservation initiatives.

particularly in the Northwest Territories through a comprehensive protected areas plan

and in Manitoba with the proposed Pimachiowin Aki World Heritage Site.
What do they mean by instrumental?
very important
Also, what does conservation initiatives mean?
Conservation initiatives means plans for saving these forests.