As chief officer of the Northwest Veterans' Home, you are preparing for a very important meeting with the Joint Budgetary Committee. The purpose of the meeting is that you will request additional funds to operate the Northwest Veterans' Home. You will have to address the issue of efficiency of the operation. You have decided to develop a PowerPoint presentation for your appearance before the committee. One important distinction that must be communicated effectively to the committee is that there are important differences in technical efficiency and economic efficiency. Develop a PowerPoint presentation for the committee meeting. Use web resources and other references form the Library to locate helpful information. Please include a title slide and a reference slide in your presentation. Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

1 answer

When developing a presentation there are a few questions you need to ask yourself.
How long have you got?
What is the knowledge on the subject of the audience?
What is the size of the room and number in audience? all of these have an impact on the presentation.

It looks like you need definitions of
"technical efficiency" and "economic efficiency". When you have decided on these think of some ways to illustrate the differences but don't forget any similarites.

The presentation should have a clear start, middle and end. I like to use the format of
Tell 'em what you are going to tell them
Tell 'em
Tell 'em what you have told them.

There are a few web sites with information on APA referencing see for example.

From a personal point of view I avoid using in text referencing on power point slides and put a reference at the bottom of the slide. The reason for this is that having the in text references on a slide annoys quite a lot of audiences.

Hope this is useful.