As an undergraduate Native American college student you have been selected from a national pool of applicants to interview President Obama. Your scheduled interview is to be no longer than 10 minutes. The interview is to be conducted on a Tuesday morning in March at the White House.
• What is your first step in preparing for the interview?
• Upon arrival at the White House what would be your first reaction?
• How would you expect to be greeted?
• How would you be dressed?
• How would you interact with others prior to meeting the President?
• Upon first sighting the president what would be your first reaction?
• How would you introduce yourself to the President?
• After your introduction to the president, how would you explain what you were there to do?
• What type of interview would you conduct and why?
• What would be the topic of the interview and how would you introduce this topic to the President?
• How many questions would you ask the President?
• What would be the first question you asked the President?
• How would you ensure that the President valued your questions?
• How would you end the interview?
• Before exiting the White House what would be your final thought?
• Once back home what steps would you take, if any, to acknowledge the interview?
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