As an environmental science teacher, how would you respond to someone who tells you (a) that he or she does not believe in biological evolution because it is "just a theory," and (be) we should not worry about air pollution because through natural selection, the human species will develop lungs that can detoxify pollutants? In your response, be sure to provide factual evidence from earth's history (Miller, 2005, pp. 87-90).

I am sorry tha nobody has responded to your post earlier.

Is the belief in a diety (whichever one you choose to believe in) any less of a theory? There is evidence of evolution that supports the theory.

Compare the speed of deaths from pollution to the speed of development of new adaptations in species.

For evidence, you will need to read those pages you indicated.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

1 answer

As an environmental science teacher, how would you respond to someone who tells you (a) that he or she does not believe in biological evolution because it is "just a theory"?