As an ABC (Australian Born Chinese), Who is an avid watcher of korean entertainment ( dramas, variety, movies etc), listener of k-pop, watch anime from japan, listen to j-pop, watch chinese tv shows and movies. Having studied German , French . It perplexes me that to this day, why entering the U.S. market is considered as being the top of ones career, the dream industry to enter. Why is that the standard of achievement. Hollywood is the go to place. Especially when the "Foreign" market is so huge itself. There is Bollywood (India), South East Asian entertainment (Don t mean to group all countries together), The European market, Korea, Japan, China. Especially with the English-speaking market being so small in numbers in comparison. Especially with many other "minority countries industries being so much more rigorous to be in and enter than the U.S. I am not that informed about the industry and the world. This has just been a faint qualm of mine and I just wanted to share it with you and see what the people of the internet thought about this. I realise and am prepared for the many negative comment that my come.
2 answers
Huge hits all over the world usually come out of Hollywood. So many movies produced in the US are dubbed/subbed in different languages so people can watch it.
Kpop, Jpop, anime, etc. They all have their fan bases, but they're genres of popular stuff. (Not all anime is even produced in Japan...some of it is from the US!) Nor are they from huge world powers with large influences.