As American colonists questioned British rule, public discussion focused on topics such as colonial independence and individual rights. In turn, literature from the American Revolutionary period often reflected important political and social themes, including national independence, personal liberty, and individualism. How does the literature of this period influence future generations of American literature? Where have you seen traces of these themes and how were they presented in the other literature you read?
8 answers
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not sure what i am suppose to do
You are to write an essay answering this question:
How does the literature of this (American Revolutionary) period influence future generations of American literature?
How does the literature of this (American Revolutionary) period influence future generations of American literature?
i am not quite sure
Think about your assigned reading. Do you see how later works appear to be influenced by works from the Revolutionary period? Do you think they influenced Lincoln's "government of the people, by the people, and for the people" was influenced by early works?
your suppose to answer the question in 3-5 sentences to make a paragraph.
Unit 8: Society and Culture Before the Civil War?
what are the answers
what are the answers
no she sed get out noah get out uuuuummmm