As a go through my study guide, I'm finding that I'm getting esters and normal stoic acids confused. How can you tell when a stoic acid is an ester and when its not? Or are they always the same thing? Thanks for explaining this.
3 answers
Would you explain what a stoic acid is. I don't know. Then I can answer your question.
A stoic acid is when you have an oxygen with a double bond directly underneath leading to a C which is connected by a single bond to an O.
I must admit that I have never heard of a stoic acid before. Thanks for the explanation.
An ester is RCOOR' whereas an acid is
What is attached to the RCOO- is the secret. If you attach a H atom, it is an acid. If you attach another R group (CH3 or higher), it is an ester.
An ester is RCOOR' whereas an acid is
What is attached to the RCOO- is the secret. If you attach a H atom, it is an acid. If you attach another R group (CH3 or higher), it is an ester.