As a Galaxy evolves and becomes more massive what is most likely to happen

It stars worked here to them it will merge with other galaxies it will spin into another galaxy group it will collapse under gravitational pull

1 answer

As a galaxy evolves and becomes more massive, the most likely outcome is that it will merge with other galaxies. In the universe, galaxies are not static; they can interact with one another through gravitational attraction. Larger galaxies can attract smaller galaxies, leading to mergers. This process can lead to the formation of larger, more massive galaxies over time.

While a galaxy can also become part of a larger galaxy group or cluster, and gravitational interactions can influence its spin and structure, the most significant and common evolutionary process for massive galaxies involves merging with other galaxies. This is supported by observations that show many galaxies in various stages of merging throughout the universe.

So, the best answer to your question is that it is likely to merge with other galaxies as it evolves and becomes more massive.