As a a test of a new measurement process, 10 measurements are made on pieces of glass known to have conductivity 1. The average of the 10 measurements is 1.07.
Indicate whether 1 and 1.07 is a parameter or statistic and explain why.
I know 1.07 is a statistic. Please explain what 1 is and why. Thank you
2 answers
If it is from all previous pieces, then it is the measure of a population and therefore a parameter. If it is just based on a previous sample (part of a population), then it is a statistic.
I understand the population = parameter and sample = statistic. I don't understand whether the "1" is referring to a population or just the 10 pieces.
"10 measurements are made on pieces of glass know to have conductivity "1."
is the "1" representing the population or just the 10 pieces/sample??
"10 measurements are made on pieces of glass know to have conductivity "1."
is the "1" representing the population or just the 10 pieces/sample??