Israel declares independence.
Israel and Egypt sign the Camp David Accords.
Israel and Jordan sign the Wadi Araba Peace Treaty.
Israel and Palestine sign the Oslo II Accord.
Israel and Syria sign the Golan Heights Agreement.
Israel declares independence.
Israel and Palestine sign the Oslo I Accord.
Israel and Lebanon sign the Taif Agreement.
Israel and Jordan sign the Washington Declaration.
Israel and Palestine sign the Wye River Memorandum.
Israel and Palestine sign the Hebron Protocol.
Israel and Palestine sign the Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum.
Israel and Palestine sign the Cairo Agreement.
Israel declares independence.
Israel and Palestine sign the Oslo Accords.
Israel takes control of West Bank and Gaza.
Hamas takes control of Gaza.
Israel withdraws from Gaza.
Arrange the events in correct chronological order. Place the earliest event at the top and the latest event at the bottom.
Israel withdraws from Gaza.
Israel and the PLO sign the Oslo Accords.
Israel takes control of West Bank and Gaza.
Hamas takes control of Gaza.
1 answer