1. Background and context: This section provides a broad overview of the topic being studied and highlights the main issues or questions that the research project aims to address. It may include historical background, relevant theories, and previous studies that have been conducted in the field.
2. Theoretical framework: This section outlines the theoretical concepts or frameworks that the research project is based on. It may involve discussing different theories or models that are applicable to the topic and explaining how they are relevant to the research project.
3. Previous studies: This section reviews and summarizes previous research studies that are relevant to the topic. It may include a discussion of key findings, methodologies used, and any limitations or gaps in the existing literature. This section helps to establish the research project's contribution to the field by identifying what has already been done and what is still missing or needs further investigation.
4. Methodology: This section describes the research methods and techniques that will be used in the current project. It may include an explanation of the study design, data collection methods, sample selection, and data analysis procedures. This section demonstrates the rigor and appropriateness of the chosen methods in addressing the research questions.
5. Conceptual framework: This section presents a conceptual framework or model that illustrates the relationships between the main variables or concepts in the research project. It helps to guide the analysis and interpretation of the data and provides a visual representation of the theoretical underpinnings of the study.
6. Limitations: This section acknowledges and discusses the limitations of the research project. It may include factors such as sample size, generalizability of the findings, potential biases or confounding variables, and any other constraints or challenges faced during the study. This section helps to provide a balanced view of the research project's strengths and weaknesses.
7. Synthesis and gaps in the literature: This section synthesizes the findings from previous studies and identifies any gaps or unanswered questions in the existing literature. It may highlight areas where conflicting or inconclusive results have been reported and propose potential avenues for future research.
8. Significance and contribution: This section explains the significance of the research project and its potential contribution to the field. It may discuss how the findings could advance knowledge, inform policy or practice, or address societal issues. This section helps to justify the importance of the research project and its potential impact.
9. Summary: This section provides a concise summary of the literature review, emphasizing the key points and conclusions that have been discussed. It may recap the main findings, highlight the main areas of agreement or disagreement in the literature, and restate the research questions or objectives of the project.
Areas in literature review section in research project
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