Are you scared?

Are you frightened?
Are you worried?
Are you stunned?

(Are they all the same? Can we use all the expressions?)

1. Don't make noises.
2. Don't make a noise.
3. Don't make noise.
4. Don't make much noise.
5. Dpn't make many noises.

(Which ones are right?)

2 answers

The first 4 are all the same and you can you use all of them.

1, 3, 4, 5 sound right but you have a typo in 5 Don't
1 suggests that the person was making a variety of noises that you want to be limited.

2 indicates that you want him to be silent, as does 3.

4 suggests that some noise is permitted, but not much. Usually it would be "Don't make too much noise."

5 sounds like the person was making various sound effects, and you want him to limit them to a few. "You can bark like a dog or mew like a cat, but don't moo, baa or cluck."

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.