are these realted this alternative amending section 189 with programmes

To strengthen for detention practices, amend regarding section 189 of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) aims to classify freedom of movement and able to access essential needs as waiting for their claim to be processed. Moreover, the detention practices, must prioritise community housing and supervision, thereby increasing living standards or abolishing it together. The backlogs with current Australian detention centres are inadequate provision of healthcare and limited legal support including offshores facilities, point to lack of scrutiny over the act. As a refugee enters Australia, current support from the federal government supplies settlement service and immediate needs through two main programs: Humanitarian Settlement Program (HSP) and Specialised and Intensive Services (SIS) for who granted humanitarian visas (RoadstoRefuge, 2020).

1 answer

Yes, the alternative amendment to section 189 of the Migration Act 1958 is related to the programmes mentioned in the paragraph. The proposed changes to detention practices aim to improve living standards and access to essential needs for asylum seekers waiting for their claims to be processed. These changes would align with the existing Humanitarian Settlement Program (HSP) and Specialised and Intensive Services (SIS) provided by the federal government to support refugees in Australia. These programmes would work in conjunction with the proposed amendments to section 189 to ensure better outcomes for asylum seekers in detention.