Are these corret! tahnk you so much review for test! are my answers correct

1. Several people listened, but nobody voluntered??? simple

2. Gina and Sam picked the wildflowers, and we arranged them??? simple

3. Snow fell: winter was now upon us??

4. Mrs Smith may be in court, or she may be in her office?? compound

1. Several people listened, but nobody voluntered??? simple

"but" is a co-ordinating conjunction. That means that it joins two EQUAL terms. ( what is in front of it is also in back) Several people listened is a complete sentence; therefore nobody volunteered as the be a complete sentence also.

You need to look at your answers for #'s 1 & 2 again.

CLUE...... Compound sentences are connected by either co-ordinate conjuntions, or by semicolons.


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