Are there any parallels between the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and the U.S.A today?

1 answer

The rise and fall of the Roman Empire and its comparison with other civilizations has been debated for hundreds of years.

All world powers have followed essentially the same path. First they become strong militarily, then they conquer large territories, which is followed by prosperity for the power. Eventually, many factors lead to their declines as world powers.

Rome overextended itself for many years, depleting resources, soldiers, and cash. Corruption played a part accompanied by apathy on the part of its citizens. This all led to rebellion in many parts of the empire, which eventually overpowered Rome.

What similarities do you see between the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and the U.S. today?

Check these sites for other ideas.

This site has some admittedly silly reasons for the "Fall" but it makes some interesting points.