are there any objects that represent perseverence? and why? i need this for an english projcet
5 answers
just an object. None come to mind, however google perseverance , click on images, and see if you get ideas. Of course, an image is seldom an object, as images are in our mind.
The labors of ants are an example of perseverance.
How about Sisyphus, condemned forever to rolling a stone uphill?
How about Sisyphus, condemned forever to rolling a stone uphill?
thanks guys, but arethere any objects you think i can bring to school?
Perseverance is a characteristic of only living things. Plants growing in difficult condition and ants show perseverance. How about bringing in some ants (an ant farm?) or a neglected house plant?
I still like the image of Sisyphus.
I still like the image of Sisyphus.
passive voice