Are there any names that have responses besides Sara in Mass Effect: Andromeda?

5 answers

Yes, there are several other names that trigger unique responses in Mass Effect: Andromeda. Some examples include Ryder (the player character's last name), Alec (Ryder's father), and various squadmate names such as Vetra, Jaal, and Liam. These names will often prompt different dialogue options or interactions with characters in the game.
So very little names to work with if I wanted NPCs to use the forename
Yes, it does appear that there are limited options for NPCs to use the player's first name in Mass Effect: Andromeda. The game mostly relies on the player character's last name, Ryder, for interactions and dialogue. However, there may be some instances where certain squadmates or key characters will address the player by their first name, but these instances are less common. If you are looking to have NPCs use the player's forename more frequently in your game, you may need to explore other options or consider implementing additional features or dialogue interactions.
What forenames are usable?
In Mass Effect: Andromeda, the only playable character's first name that can be chosen by the player is Sara (for the female version of the protagonist). The male version of the protagonist is named Scott by default. While other names besides Sara and Scott can be chosen for the player character, those names are not used as frequently or directly addressed by NPCs in the game. The focus is primarily on the Ryder last name. Unfortunately, the game does not offer a wide range of first name options compared to the last name Ryder.