Are the pronouns I put down right? My answers are the ones in parentheses
1. The trip led to an argument between Helen and _____. (I)
2. It was ____ who demanded an apology from the newspaper. (us)
3. We appreciated ____ writing a personal letter to explain his stand on the issue. (him)
4. The most outspoken critics were my sister and ____ . (me)
5. Because of ____ our team scored five goals. (he and I)
6. Only two photographers, Josh and ____ , received field passes. (her)
7. I protested because I felt I was as good a photographer as ____. ( them)
8. All of ____ student photographers deserve a chance to take pictures. (us)
9. I received special permission from the yearbook advisors, Mrs.Thomas and ____ . (he)
10. At the end of the year, it was Josh and _____ who received the "best photographer" awards. (I)
Could you please tell me numbers are wrong. Thanks :)
5 answers
Please go back and study subject and object pronouns.
To begin, objects of prepositions are always in the objective case.