Are the pronouns I put down right? My answers are the ones in parentheses

1. The trip led to an argument between Helen and _____. (I)
2. It was ____ who demanded an apology from the newspaper. (us)
3. We appreciated ____ writing a personal letter to explain his stand on the issue. (him)
4. The most outspoken critics were my sister and ____ . (me)
5. Because of ____ our team scored five goals. (he and I)
6. Only two photographers, Josh and ____ , received field passes. (her)
7. I protested because I felt I was as good a photographer as ____. ( them)
8. All of ____ student photographers deserve a chance to take pictures. (us)
9. I received special permission from the yearbook advisors, Mrs.Thomas and ____ . (he)
10. At the end of the year, it was Josh and _____ who received the "best photographer" awards. (I)
Could you please tell me numbers are wrong. Thanks :)

5 answers

Two of your answers are right.

Please go back and study subject and object pronouns.

To begin, objects of prepositions are always in the objective case.
Which ones are right so I have an idea what to go on
3 and 10 are right.
Thank you
You're welcome.