Are cotton balls a better insulator than paper. I say cotton balls but the teacher wants me to write a hypothese which I did and explain how I would test it. I know cotton is a better insulator because it is used in materials can you give me a test or explain a test for this?
Insulation is measured in terms of resistance.
Both paper and cotton would be cellulose fibers. As such there should not be much differece (assuming the cotton balls were equally compressed.) If left fluffy, they woud be better.
Yes thank you but how would I test this because I have to say that. If I leave them in the heat they should stay the same temp and if I leave them in the cold they should not get cold???
I suggest you get two large shoe boxes or something similar that are the same size. Then, get two identical plastic containers that will easily fit in the shoe boxes with a lot of room for the insulating material. Fill each plastic container with ice cubes. Put each container in a box. Pack cotton balls around one container of ice cubes and paper around the other container. Check every few hours (or overnight) to see which container of ice took longer to melt.