are all these complete sentence structures.

This sec ops uniform was used for silent missions and rescue missions.
This was taken by a real soldier which means it was not photoshopped.
I liked it because of how ready he was to deploy.
The design of it looks cool, the pose, the headgear, and the gun.
It makes it look like he’s waiting to be sent in on a mission.
The way he poses shows that he means the business or to get the job done.

This photo was used for a game poster but it looks
This photo shows two kinds of uniforms that show no fear.
This was taken and then photoshopped but it still looks cool.
The reason why I like the way they pose shows that they mean business.
The design of it looks cool, the pose, the headgear, and the gun.
It makes it look like they are ready for each other on the battlefield.

1 answer

There are errors in these sentences. If you read them aloud, you should be able to hear the errors — and then fix them.

The design of it looks cool, the pose, the headgear, and the gun.
It makes it look like he’s waiting to be sent in on a mission.
The way he poses shows that he means the business or to get the job done.
This photo was used for a game poster but it looks
This photo shows two kinds of uniforms that show no fear.
This was taken and then photoshopped but it still looks cool.
The reason why I like the way they pose shows that they mean business.

Look for these things:
— when to use a colon (:)
— when to use "like" and when to use "as" or "as if" or "as though"
— when to use commas
— when personification doesn't work right in a sentence
— how to correctly indicate a reason for something