Are all of these metric converstions right?

69.9(m)= 698(cm)
152.97(ml) = .15297(l)
42.67(l) = 42670(ml)
299.32(km) = 29932000000 nanometers
26(g) = .026(kg)
123.43(cg) = 1.2343(g)
75.2(l) = 75200(ml)
456.3(g) = 45630000 micrograms
4507.22(km) = 45072200000(ml)
0.00297456(kg) = 2974560 Nanograms

1 answer

Are all of these metric converstions right?
69.9(m)= 698(cm) see my post below
152.97(ml) = .15297(l) I like to add a zero in front but your answer is correct.)
42.67(l) = 42670(ml) OK
299.32(km) = 29932000000 nanometers see my answer below
26(g) = .026(kg) OK
123.43(cg) = 1.2343(g) OK
75.2(l) = 75200(ml) OK
456.3(g) = 45630000 micrograms You need to add one more zero. g to micrograms is six places.
4507.22(km) = 45072200000(ml) You can't convert km (kilometers --a distance) to milliliters (a volume) That's like asking how many feet in a gallon.
0.00297456(kg) = 2974560 Nanograms see my answer below