Here’s how you can fill in the Seven Strategies of Highly Effective Readers based on the poem "Water is Life" by K. Dawn Martin:
Your Response
- Prior knowledge about the importance of water in various cultures and ecosystems.
- Understanding how water relates to life sustainability and human connection to the environment.
Detail 1: Yonkwanoronhkwa ohneka - I love water
Detail 2: The intricate relationship between water and the environment, illustrated through vivid imagery.
Inference: The deep appreciation for water is not just about its physical attributes but also its spiritual significance and connection to life itself.
During Reading (important points):
- The poem conveys water as essential for life.
- It emphasizes emotional and spiritual connections to water.
After Reading (important points):
- The theme of preservation and gratitude towards water is prevalent.
- The necessity to respect and protect water resources is highlighted.
Notes of any changes between important points:
- The emotional resonance of water shifted from a basic survival element to a symbol of life and interconnectedness.
Question 1: Why is land ownership important?
Question 2: How does water symbolize life in different cultures?
Question 3: What actions can be taken to preserve water resources in our communities?
New words:
- "Yonkwanoronhkwa" (I love water) – Indigenous term conveying affection for water.
- "Interconnectedness" – the idea that all forms of life are linked through water.
Initial confusions/confusing parts to come back to later:
- The metaphorical language that may need revisiting for deeper understanding.
1-2 sentence summary of text:
The poem emphasizes the important role of water in sustaining life and the deep connection between humans and nature. It reflects on the beauty and necessity of water, urging a recognition of its importance and the need for its preservation.
Words/sentence 1 that helps you see it in your head:
- "Water flows like life coursing through veins," evoking imagery of vitality and movement.
Words/sentence 2 that helps you see it in your head:
- "The glistening surface mirrors the sky," creating a visual connection between the elements and their harmony.
You can expand on this framework as you delve deeper into the poem and its themes.