A wind generator works by converting the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy through the rotation of the blades. When the wind blows, it causes the blades of the wind generator to spin, which in turn rotates a shaft inside the generator. This rotating shaft is connected to a generator, which uses electromagnetic induction to produce an electric current. The electric current is then sent to a power grid or stored in batteries for later use.
Here is a sketch to demonstrate how a wind generator works:
[Sketch of a wind generator with blades spinning in the wind, connected to a generator producing an electric current]
Apply your knowledge: At the beginning of this exercise, you were asked to guess how a wind generator uses the power of wind to produce an electric current. Now you can use what you have learned to explain what is really happening. ✏️ Add a sketch below if you like.
How does a wind generator work?
1 answer