Appeasement: Back before World War II started, some countries in Europe like Britain and France tried to keep peace by giving into what Germany's leader, Adolf Hitler, wanted. They thought if they let him have some things, like taking over a part of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland, he would stop causing trouble. This is called "appeasement." They made this big agreement with him in 1938 called the Munich Agreement. But it didn't work out because Hitler kept grabbing more land, which just led to the start of the war.
Ghettos: During World War II, the Nazis forced Jewish people and other groups they didn't like into small, crowded parts of cities called "ghettos." They were like bad neighborhoods that people couldn't leave, with not enough food or space. The Nazis made these ghettos to control and hurt the people before they had even worse plans. Life was really tough there and it's a really sad part of the history called the Holocaust, where lots of innocent people suffered and many lost their lives.
Appeasement: Appeasement refers to the diplomatic strategy employed by certain European nations, particularly Britain and France, in the years leading up to World War II. The policy involved making concessions to Adolf Hitler's Germany in an attempt to avoid conflict. The most notable example of appeasement was the Munich Agreement in 1938, where Britain and France agreed to Hitler's demand for the annexation of the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. Unfortunately, appeasement failed to prevent war, as Hitler continued his aggressive expansionist policies.
Ghettos: Ghettos were segregated areas, often in cities, where minority groups, particularly Jewish people, were forcibly relocated during World War II. The Nazis established these ghettos in Eastern Europe as a precursor to implementing "The Final Solution." Conditions in the ghettos were harsh, with overcrowded living spaces, inadequate food, and limited access to basic necessities. Ghettos played a tragic role in the systematic persecution and extermination of millions of people during the Holocaust. rephrase as a 7th grader
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