Apparent bacterial cell is able to survive in the presence of the antibiotic, penicillin subsequent generation from this parent will be _____ penicillin.

Vulnerable to

Depended on

Resistant to

Killed by

11 answers

Resistant to
In binary fusion one cell reproduces into ___ cell(s)




And asexual reproduction DNA from the parent cell ___ before a produces daughter cells

Coils up

Moves toward one pole

Produce the cytoplasm

Which statements has exceptions?

Sexual reproduction involves parents will care while asexual reproduction does not

Sexual reproduction promotes, genetic variation, while asexual reproduction does not

Sexual reproduction is more complex, while asexual reproduction is a simpler complex

Sexual reproduction requires two parents where is asexual reproduction requires one parent
Sexual reproduction involves parents will care while asexual reproduction does not.
The first one?
Yes, the first statement has exceptions.
Which is the most likely explanation for a child exhibiting a heritable trait, that neither parent exhibits?

The parent has recessive alleles in the child, inherited a dominant allele

Mutation occurred in the child exhibit a new trait due to the mutation

A grandparent exhibit the trait, and the child inherited it directly from that person

The trait is recessive and the child inherited a recessive allele from each parent
A grandparent exhibited the trait, and the child inherited it directly from that person.