When citing or discussing the aims of the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church in APA style, you generally want to ensure you provide a clear reference to the relevant documents, official church websites, or scholarly publications that outline the church's mission and objectives.
General Formatting in APA
When creating a reference entry in APA style, make sure to include the following elements:
- Author(s) - This could be an individual author or an organization.
- Date of publication - Year (and possibly month and day if applicable).
- Title of the work - This should be in italics.
- Source - This could be a URL or a publisher depending on the material.
Example Citations
Website Example:
If you were referencing the official mission statement from the SDA Church website, it might look like this:
In-text citation: (Seventh-day Adventist Church, n.d.)
Reference entry: Seventh-day Adventist Church. (n.d.). Mission and beliefs. https://www.adventist.org/mission/
Book Example:
If you are discussing the aims of the SDA Church from a specific book:
In-text citation: (Author, Year)
Reference entry: Author Last Name, First Initial. (Year). Title of the book. Publisher.
For example, if you were referencing a specific work about the church's foundational beliefs:
In-text citation: (White, 1888)
Reference entry: White, E. G. (1888). The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan. Review and Herald Publishing Association.
Key Points to Remember
- Ensure your sources are credible and relevant to the aims of the SDA Church.
- Use the official church website and publications from recognized authors as primary sources.
- Adjust the specifics based on whether you're citing a book, article, website, or other media.
Feel free to adapt the examples above to fit the specific source that you are using!