any one know any GOOD roman poets that i could google or ask????
idk about the virgil dude....because the issue is confusing on whether he is one person or three... lol =]
He was ONE person. He had three names, as did all Romans!!
Publius Vergilius Maro = Vergil or Virgil (English spellings mess things up!)
He's an excellent poet to study because of what he wrote -- Aeneid -- a sequel of sorts to the two by Homer (Iliad and Odyssey). He wrote this for two purposes: to connect the Romans to the Greeks and to establish such a connection as the basis for the founding of the Roman civilization.
Other Roman poets worthy of studying are Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso) and Catullus (Gaius Valerius Catullus). Google their names to find out more about them. Ovid's Metamorphoses are his most famous works, mainly because we still have them. (They didn't rot away or disappear over the centuries.) Catullus wrote mainly odes and love poetry.
Once you google these three (Vergil, Ovid, and Catullus), the names of other poets will show up. The other poets either influenced them or were influenced by them.
ahhhh okay thank you ... like i said before i am not very literate on greek and roman mythology since my school is christian and does not do into depth about any of this. :)