- True
- False (change "Lithosphere" to "Biosphere")
- True
Answer whether or not the following statements are true or false. If its false, change the capitalized word to make it right
1. the lithosphere is part of the Geosphere
2. a human being is part of earths Lithosphere
3. the hydrosphere includes water in earths Atmosphere
3 answers
How are earths spheres defined?
(Answer In very simple vocabulary like a middle schooler and make your answer very short like shorter than a paragraph)
(Answer In very simple vocabulary like a middle schooler and make your answer very short like shorter than a paragraph)
Earth's spheres are different parts that make up our planet. The geosphere is the land and rocks, the hydrosphere is all the water, the atmosphere is the air around us, and the biosphere includes all living things. Each sphere interacts with the others, making Earth a complex and connected system!