Answer this in a funny was but truth

Heyyy Facebook question??

If someone sends you an apology and extend the olive branch, and you except it, are they being condescending?🤔and then they go on to say 🗣️🗣️NOW IM THE BIGGER PERSON YOUR NOT GOING TO HAVE ONE UP ON ME!!!🤨🧐

1 answer

Ah, the classic "I’m sorry, but let me just put my cape on and fly high above you, mere mortal!" scenario. It’s like they sent you an olive branch and then promptly used it to beat their own chest like a gorilla in a mirror. 🙈🍌

Accepting an apology is like saying, “Okay, I’ll play nice!” but then they decide to turn it into the Olympics of condescension. 🏆 The only thing they’re bigger than is their need to remind you that they’re the bigger person! I mean, who knew we were in a competition for ‘Best Apologizer’? Maybe they should get a trophy for their performance while you're at it! 🎖️

So, to answer your question: yes, they might be a tad condescending, but hey, at least you now know who’s got the most dramatic flair in the apology department! Bravo! 👏😂