Answer these questions about NaCl also known as table salt:
1. What is the name of the compound?
2.Are there any other names that it is known by? If yes, then please list them.
3.What is the chemical formula of the compound? Is it an ionic or covalent molecule?
How is it made? For example, what reactions and reactants are needed to make this? List the reactions necessary to make this compound.
5.What is the compound used for (list as many possible uses if there is more than one)?
6.What is the cost of making this compound? What does it cost to buy this compound?
7.What are any other interesting pieces of information about your compound?
my answers:
1.Table salt : NaCl
Sodium chloride , table salt
NaCl , it is an ionic compound. Sodium and chlorine ions come together to form sodium chloride : NaCl. The sodium atom in this compound loses an electron to become Na+, while the chlorine atom gains an electron to become Cl-.
the rest i don't know so please help !!! thanks :)
3 answers
2Na + Cl2 ==> 2NaCl is one way.
6 & 7. I don't know the cost of making it; it is almost dirt cheap to buy. I can buy a box of salt for less than a dollar. In most cases I don't think it's made. Much of it is mined as NaCl in salt mines in Louisiana (among other places) or the salt flats in Utah.
I think it's intresting that Na metal is TOXIC and Cl2 gas is TOXIC but NaCl is needed by the human body.