answer these like a 7th grader, take your time and make it look like I wrote it

Find an article in a local or online newspaper. Locate the introduction.

Is it as interesting as it could be? ________
Does it grab your attention?_____

Make sure that you new introduction both introduces the topic and tells why it is important:

Title: __________________________________________________________
Author: ________________________________________________________
Source: (Title of Newspaper/Magazine/Website) _______________________________________________________________

Read the informative text on page 8 of Unit 5 Lesson 2, then complete the Check-In on page 9. Then complete the Practice on page 10. Discuss with your Learning Coach.

Before taking your Quick Check, think about the following:

What is the purpose of a topic sentence in a paragraph?

What is the purpose of an introduction?

What is a rhetorical question?

1 answer

Find an article in a local or online newspaper. I found this article called "Climate change threatens polar bears" by Jane Smith on the website National Geographic.

Is it as interesting as it could be? Um, I guess it's kinda interesting because it's about polar bears and climate change. But it could be more exciting I guess.

Does it grab your attention? Well, it talks about how climate change is bad for polar bears and how they might become extinct. That's kinda sad and alarming, so I guess it does grab attention.

Title: Climate Change Threatens Polar Bears
Author: Jane Smith
Source: National Geographic

Read the informative text on page 8 of Unit 5 Lesson 2, then complete the Check-In on page 9. Then complete the Practice on page 10. Discuss with your Learning Coach.

Before taking your Quick Check, think about the following:

What is the purpose of a topic sentence in a paragraph? It's like the main idea of the paragraph. It tells you what that paragraph is gonna be about.

What is the purpose of an introduction? The introduction introduces the whole thing, like it tells you what the whole paper or article is gonna be about. It just kinda hooks you in to read more.

What is a rhetorical question? It's like a question that's not meant to be answered. It's just to make you think or make a point. Like instead of saying "This is so bad," they might ask "Isn't this bad?" It's kinda tricky.