In Act 3, Scene 2 of "Romeo and Juliet," Juliet's emotions and attitudes shift dramatically. Here are the answers to your questions:
Why is Juliet so impatient for the nurse to return? Juliet is eagerly awaiting the Nurse's return because she is anxious to receive news of Romeo and their impending reunion after their secret wedding. Juliet is also eager to hear about the outcome of the duel between Tybalt and Romeo, as she has just discovered that her beloved husband is involved.
Describe Juliet's rapidly changing attitude toward Romeo and the scene. Juliet's attitude toward Romeo shifts from anticipation and excitement to confusion and anguish. Initially, she expresses her eagerness to see him, but as the Nurse delays, Juliet becomes increasingly anxious. When she learns that Romeo has killed Tybalt, her beloved cousin, she feels torn between her love for Romeo and her loyalty to her family. In her sorrow, she curses the name of Romeo, calling him a "villain," reflecting her inner conflict and profound emotional turmoil.
What piece of news has upset Juliet the most? The most upsetting piece of news for Juliet is that Romeo has killed Tybalt. This revelation devastates her, as Tybalt is her cousin, and she feels a deep sense of betrayal and conflict because she loves Romeo while also grieving for Tybalt.
What does the nurse promise to do? The Nurse promises to find Romeo and bring him to Juliet, despite the turmoil surrounding their situation. She seeks to comfort Juliet and help her see Romeo again, reinforcing her role as a supportive figure in Juliet's life.
These answers capture the essence of Juliet's emotional state and the complexities of her relationships in this crucial scene.